The 12 Best Foods To Gain Muscle Mass!

12 Best Foods To Build Muscle Mass

Eating mindfully so that your muscles are fit and have all the nutrition they require provides several advantages. It aids in the prevention of fractures. By strengthening connective tissues, bone density rises and, as a result, the risk of injury and the development of osteoporosis is minimized. Some advantages of a good muscle mass are:

a. Boost your metabolic rate: The more our muscular mass, the higher our resting metabolic rate. That is, you can burn calories without doing anything.

b. You improve your quality of life: Increasing muscle mass, for example, improves balance, regulates blood sugar levels, increases sleep quality, and soothes the mind.

c. Improve your posture: It can also help to prevent nonspecific back discomfort (the cause of which is often not discovered).

How Long Does It Take To Gain Muscle?

If, in addition to eating correctly, you have intended to grow muscle by following a training regimen, you should be aware that various factors influence the results. First and foremost, genetics. We are helpless in this scenario. The other three elements are:

  1. The type of training
  2. Feeding
  3. Rest

People who are new to bodybuilding, notice changes in muscle volume in the first two months, but they are as a consequence of an increase in muscle glycogen stores, which in turn retain fluids.In this case, you must consider the long term. It takes patience and commitment to see visible muscle gain. The first year at the gym shows signs of muscle gain, but it is not until the second year that the changes become noticeable.

Why Should You Take Care Of Your Muscles?

If throughout our lives we have not been too constant and regular with physical exercise, after 40 we lose up to 8% of muscle mass in the next 10 years. Everything accelerates from that point forward: if we continue to live a more sedentary than active lifestyle, by the seventh decade of life, this loss has increased by up to 15%.

These facts may appear insignificant at first, but the truth is that keeping your muscular system in good shape (and delaying the “loss” that we discussed as much as possible) helps a lot to have a stronger, more resistant, and healthy body.

Make sure to include the proper amount of protein in your diet now, so that you can take better care of your body. These are the 12 items that you must include in your diet if you want to gain muscle.

1. Spinach 

This vegetable is an excellent source of glutamine, an amino acid essential for the growth of lean muscle mass. It also aids in the improvement of endurance and muscle tone. You can even prepare an exquisite salad with spinach toppings. When carrot, fresh cheese, and walnuts are added, the result is a light and protein-rich first course.

2. Low-fat dairy

Milk and its derivatives are an excellent source of protein of animal origin (yogurts and cheeses). What matters is that you select their skimmed or low-fat variants. If you take them at night, you will be boosting rest as well as muscle recovery, thanks to the presence of tryptophan, an essential amino acid that aids in the control of insomnia.The cottage cheese, which is similar to cheese without the prensar, is a fantastic pleasure for the muscles since it contains casein, a protein that is slowly digested.

3. Eggs

This cuisine is regarded as one of the most comprehensive on the market. It emphasizes the vast number of nutrients it contains, its bioavailability (in comparison to nutrients found in other foods), and the amino acid balance in its protein. The white contains the majority of the proteins, whereas the yolk contains the majority of the lipids.

4. Turkey And Chicken

By consuming the proteins found in white meats such as chicken, turkey, or rabbit, we can grow muscle while avoiding the saturated fats found in red meats such as beef or lamb. 30 grams of protein are contained in every 100 grams of chicken breast.

Cooking it in batter is not recommended. Grill the breasts if possible, and avoid sauces and mayonnaise unless they are low in fat.

5. Vegetables 

Animal products are a great source of protein. However, several foods, particularly legumes, give this nutrient to the body as well.

When consuming protein foods of vegetable origin, it is critical to complement them with other foods that provide the complete list of amino acids that humans require. A chickpea or lentil dish with rice, for example, is a delicious combination. Furthermore, legumes contain a high concentration of magnesium, which might help relieve cramping.

Its fiber content also benefits you: some studies have shown that a low fiber diet favors muscle contractions.

6. Tuna

It is one of the foods that is almost entirely made up of protein, is readily digested, and is an excellent ally for developing muscle mass. Tuna contains more high-quality protein (23 grams per 100 grams) than meat.

Once within the body, omega 3 encourages the development of proteins that aid in the rehabilitation of injured muscles and lower the risk of ramps. Other oily fish, such as salmon and sardines, are similarly high in omega 3. Grilled tuna with garlic, lemon juice, and parsley is a tasty method to prepare it.

7. Red Meat

Meat is one of the highest protein-containing foods. Horse meat has the highest concentration of this vitamin, followed by beef, veal, and pork. However, it is preferable to eat chicken meat, because it contains the same amount of protein as horse meat and considerably less fat, making it a far healthier option.

York ham (18g of protein per 100g) and Serrano ham (15g / 100g) are likewise high in protein.

8. Peanuts

They are not the best protein source, but when combined with legumes or whole grains, they provide a complete protein. Peanuts, walnuts, and almonds have the highest protein concentration of any nut.

You can eat a handful for breakfast or as a mid-morning snack. But don’t overdo it, because these foods are high in calories. Per 100 grams of peanuts, there are 567 calories. Furthermore, nuts and other seeds (such as sunflower seeds) are high in magnesium, which is necessary for maintaining muscle tone and minimizing injuries.

9. Sweet Potato

The roasted sweet potato is a good source of potassium, which is necessary for muscular growth. It aids in the maintenance of the body’s water balance, nerve impulses, and muscular contraction. In addition, a small amount is enough to feel full and its sweet taste will make you want something less healthy.

10. Plantain

It includes three vital nutrients for your muscles in addition to being high in carbohydrates, which is essential while doing any type of muscular exercise. It is one of the meals with the highest potassium content, as well as a good source of magnesium and calcium. Furthermore, it can be quite beneficial in reducing muscle spasms.

11. Avocado

An avocado provides you with approximately 1,000 milligrams of potassium. You may add it to salads, eat it for dessert, or spread it on toast in the morning to get your muscles ready for the day.

12. Vitamin C

Any citrus fruit will do because vitamin C is required for the production of collagen, which is found in muscle fibers and maintains them supple. Take an orange (or two tangerines) and two kiwis every day to guarantee your body gets enough of this vitamin.