How Long Does It Take to Build Muscle?

How long does it take to build muscle

Exercising to achieve the ideal weight is one of the most recurrent goals when we do not feel comfortable with our body. However, maintaining good health and achieving the image we want involves certain sacrifices both in the kitchen and in the gym.Whether you want to lose weight or develop your muscles, the formula to follow is very similar: you must do sports constantly and follow a good diet that allows you to perform adequately in the gym. Now, if you don’t know how long it takes for the muscle to grow and how to make it grow in less time, be sure to read the following article, because we will reveal all the secrets below. Let’s understand first, why muscles are important.

Why Are Muscles Important?

Healthy and strong muscles are essential for the proper functioning of the body. For those who want to achieve an improved physical appearance, muscle development is also an important issue. It is also for those who want to lose weight, since increasing muscle mass increases metabolism and thus energy consumption. 

Skeletal muscles are made up of muscular fibers that contract to allow movement. Muscle contraction also influences how a person sits and stands, or their posture. Muscles, in turn, influence joint stability, heat production, and body temperature maintenance.It should be noted that skeletal muscles are not just muscles, but also organs. They contain many components including muscle fibres, connective tissue, nervous and blood or vascular.

How Do Muscles Grow?

Skeletal muscle is the body’s most versatile tissue. When you engage in strenuous exercise, such as weight lifting, your muscle fibers are traumatized, resulting in a muscle injury. Satellite cells on the exterior of muscle fibers are triggered when muscles are wounded in this manner. They strive to repair the damage by connecting together and thereby increasing the muscle fiber.

Certain hormones also aid in muscle growth. They are in charge of satellite cells and are in charge of things like:

  1. Send cells to your muscles after exercise.
  2. Form new blood capillaries.
  3. Repair muscle cells.
  4. Manage muscle mass.

For example, resistance movements help the body release growth hormone from the pituitary gland. How much is released depends on the intensity of the exercise performed. Growth hormone triggers metabolism and helps convert amino acids into protein to build muscle.

It is important to know that muscle growth occurs at different rates in men and women. It is also necessary to know that strength training has an almost immediate effect on the muscles, with protein synthesis, which helps muscle growth, starting within 2 to 4 hours of training. On the other hand, aging can decrease muscle mass, but regular resistance exercise can stop or even reverse this muscle loss.

How Long Does It Take For A Muscle To Grow And What Does It Depend On?

Getting the volume of your muscles to grow is a task that requires perseverance and a lot of patience. Many people join a gym and intend to achieve it in a couple of weeks, but if you wonder how long it takes to start gaining muscle mass, you should know that even if your physique is prodigious, the process will be long. From the fifth or sixth week, the body begins to adapt to the change in diet and training, so that towards the end of the second month you will begin to see the most notable changes.

However, it must be taken into account that there are many factors that determine muscle gain: genetics, a good diet that is rich in protein and is well balanced, adequate training planned with specialists and even adequate rest for the body.

Does The Gluteal Muscle, Leg Or Arm Take The Same Amount Of Time To Grow?

The growth of the muscles also varies depending on the area of ​​the body, as there are people who have a more common problem than they imagine: they develop the biceps and the rest of the muscles of the upper body in a relatively short space of time, while the lower body does not change as quickly. The consequences? The proportions of the body are totally unbalanced.

If this has happened to you, don’t worry, it has a logical explanation and a very simple solution. What happens in these cases is that people tend to focus on exercises that work the muscles of the upper body more than those of the lower body, leaving a slower evolution to parts of the body such as the buttocks or the legs.

Although the arms, shoulders and back are the most visible parts of the body and those that we often want to start changing, it is important to complete a workout that touches all areas of the body.

How Long Does It Take To Grow Muscle With Protein?

Once again, each body is different and depending on the diet and the hours of training that each person dedicates, the answer will be one or the other. There is no set time, but we do know that taking protein to gain muscle mass makes the muscle take much less time to grow.

In just two months you will notice great changes in your body, although these will also depend on the supplements in question that your nutritionist has indicated, the food routine you follow and your daily training. Keep in mind that supplements are a booster, not a substitute.

It is also important to know that there are two types of protein: that of plant origin and that of animal origin. If your health and your preferences allow it, the combination of both will be essential to achieve the proposed goal, since they contain different amino acids, all of them vital for the development of muscles.

How Long Does It Take To Put On One Kilogram Of Muscle?

Knowing that gaining muscle is a task that requires a lot of patience and perseverance, if the goal is for growth to be one kilogram of muscle mass, the time interval required will not be days or weeks. As we have commented previously, after two months some changes begin to be noticed, but it will not be until the fifth month (approximately) when you will be able to appreciate a substantial evolution.

The gain in muscle mass in a year can reach 10-12 kilos (occasionally), so to gain 1 kilo of muscle in the overall body count it takes at least about a month. Obviously, it is not a mathematical formula and it will depend on many factors, but if the planned training plans and the appropriate diets are met, these are affordable figures to achieve.

How Much Muscle Can Be Gained In 2 Months?

The highest potential muscle gain which can occur in each person, is at the beginning of workouts. As time passes, the muscle’s growth capabilities decrease. If in the first year you can reach 10-12 kilos of muscle growth, in 2 months the range you can achieve is between 1.6 and 2 kilos.

You must bear in mind that in subsequent years the evolution will be much slower. In the second year, for example, your muscles can grow between 0.8 and one kilo in two months, and in the third year, half a kilo every two months.