Best Exercises To Do At The Gym/Home For Muscle Building!

Best Exercises to do at Gym or Home to build muscles

When we go to the gym, we usually have two goals in mind: burn fat and build muscle. However, we can see that things are more complicated along this second purpose. The first thing you should know is which activities are appropriate for you to attain your objective, as well as how to replenish yourself after a training day to gain mass as quickly as feasible.If you are looking for fast results the natural way, here is an exercise routine to increase muscle mass in the gym that will help you define a key training plan to gain muscle mass quickly.

Training Plan To Gain Muscle Mass

There are several gym routines to increase muscle mass, but it is necessary to take into account several aspects before starting to exercise. First, the ability to store fat in humans depends on the metabolism of each one, so not all bodies gain muscle mass with the same ease. The key to achieving your goal is to adjust your diet and training to the characteristics of your body. Second, it is necessary to define a training frequency according to your physical conditions. You must try to work all the muscles of the body to gain mass evenly, as well as maintain a constant rhythm of training.

Exercise Routine To Increase Muscle Mass At The Gym

Always start your exercise routine by warming up for at least five minutes. This will prevent muscle injury and get you ready for action.

  1. Stretches: Lean on a wall to stretch upper and lower extremities. You can also sit in a chair to ensure balance.
  2. Walk: Walk from one side of the room to the other, moving your arms to the sides, up and down. This warm-up is perfect for beginners who don’t dare to start out with more energy.
  3. Jumps: Perform small jumps at a stable point, opening and closing the legs. When you have more practice, also move your arms up and down on each side of your body to work all the muscles.
  4. Squats: Ideal to warm up. Squatting is not as simple as it sounds, as it is not just about getting up and down.

Once the training is complete, it is time to start the exercises to gain muscle mass. Follow the instructions that we will indicate below carefully to achieve the expected results.

1. Chest And Shoulder Press

While it is true that you will need a bar to lift the weight you think appropriate, you can easily perform these exercises from home. The chest press is ideal for gaining pectoral mass while exercising your entire upper body. Let’s see how to press to gain muscle mass.

  1. Lean back on a sturdy bench. If you don’t have any fences, you can lie on the floor on a mat.
  2. Take the bar you are going to lift, but always making sure that you can tolerate the weight and it will not injure you.
  3. Hold the bar with both hands and bring it forward (or up, depending on the position you are in). Then slowly bring it up to chest level.
  4. Complete five sets of at least five reps each, taking 1-minute breaks to avoid muscle fatigue. To do shoulder press, you will have to perform the same movement but standing.

2. Push-ups

With push-ups you also work your upper body, improving joint resistance while gaining muscle mass. Follow the steps below to properly perform this home exercise.

  1. Lie on the floor face down, supporting the palms of your hands.
  2. Stretch your legs, bring them together and support the weight of your body on the balls of your feet.
  3. Raise and lower your torso, slowly bending your elbows on each descent.
  4. Keep your back straight and your legs firm to maintain stability. 
  5. Complete three sets of 10 push-ups each, resting 1 minute between each set. If you find it very difficult, you can do the push-ups with your knees resting on the mat.

3. Dumbbell Lifting

Dumbbell and weight lifting is great for toning your arms while gaining muscle mass. This is how you should perform the dumbbell lift to increase the mass of your upper muscles.

  1. Select dumbbells with the right weight for your strength and physical endurance. In this way, you will avoid injuries and extreme fatigue.
  2. To start, raise and lower the weights from your thighs to chest level. In this way, you will work your biceps.
  3. Then, stretch your arms straight with the dumbbells attached. Bring the dumbbells closer to your shoulders, flexing your elbows to balance the strength. Return to the starting position and do several repetitions at a moderate speed to increase bicep and shoulder toning.
  4. Now raise your arms to the top of your head. Slowly bend your elbows and lower the dumbbells. Raise and lower the weights behind your head, always doing controlled movements. In this way, you will work the triceps without problems.
  5. Alternate 10 repetitions of these dumbbell exercises over the course of 20 minutes.

4. Pull-ups

Pull-ups are great for building muscle mass, quickly toning your back, and improving your posture. If you want to gain muscle mass in the correct parts of the body, you must perform this exercise as follows.

  1. Find a sturdy bench and place it just below the bar from which you will hang.
  2. Get on the bench and hold the bar firmly, with your fists in front of you to improve your grip. Keep your hands at more than a shoulder-width apart.
  3. Push off the bench with your feet and drop down. Fully extend your arms while hanging.
  4. Keep your torso straight and bend your elbows out to lift yourself toward the bar.
  5. Contract your abdomen with each ascent. On the descent, watch your speed to avoid injuries.
  6. Complete three sets of 10 reps to complete the daily pull-up routine.

5. Deadlift

For all those who want to tone up and gain volume in a short time, the deadlift is an essential option in their exercise routine to gain muscle mass at home, since it works the upper and lower body, tones the back and improves your posture. To do the deadlift exercise correctly, follow these steps.

  1. Select a bar with a weight according to your physical structure and leave it on the ground.
  2. Face the bar, placing your feet just below it.
  3. Bend your knees slightly and hold the bar firmly with both hands.
  4. Push your chest out and contract your abdomen as you rise again with the barbell between your hands.
  5. Stand straight and keep the bar held at crotch level, keeping your torso upright and your arms firm.
  6. Perform the lift slowly, using your glutes and hamstrings as much as possible.
  7. Hold the bar for 5-10 seconds. Then carefully lower it to the ground. Complete at least five repetitions.

6. Barbell Curls

Tone your arms and gain bicep mass quickly and safely with the barbell bicep curl. This is a very comprehensive exercise for working your arms, so make sure you grip the bar properly. Here’s how you should do it.

  1. Stand firm in front of the bar, spreading your legs a little more than shoulder width apart.
  2. Lay your back completely straight and hold the bar with both hands.
  3. Keep your palms facing you, then raise the bar at a moderate speed until it touches your biceps.
  4. Raise and lower the bar from your waist to your biceps.
  5. Complete, daily, four sets of 10 repetitions each.

7. Hip Thrust

The arms and back are very difficult body parts to tone, so it is worth spending more time on them. However, we can’t forget about the glutes, lower back, and abs. If you want to define your glutes well while gaining muscle mass, perform the hip thrust exercise in all your routines. With this exercise you will be able to tone the abdominal core and the hip flexor muscles, along with the butt. Here’s how you should do it.

  1. Lie down on a mat to comfortably support your back.
  2. Kneel and plant your feet firmly.
  3. Extend your arms next to your body, on the mat and, without using them, begin to raise and lower your pelvis. While performing the movement, keep your torso straight and your knees bent.
  4. On each lift, contract your glutes for a few seconds.
  5. Perform three sets of 15 repetitions each. Remember to keep pressure on your glutes for proper toning.