8 Best Exercises To Lose Weight

8 Best Exercises To Lose Weight

The best exercises to lose weight are those where more calories are expended in less time, such as running or swimming. However, to lose weight efficiently and maintain the results, it is essential to combine these activities with muscle-building exercises, which you should preferably perform in the gym and under the supervision of a personal trainer.

Aerobic exercises such as walking and running increase the heart rate and burn more calories, while resistance exercises, such as muscle-building exercises, favor muscle hypertrophy, allowing an increase in muscle size and making the individual consume more energy.

1. Musculature Exercises

One of the most important activities for anyone looking to lose weight is muscular exercise. Its regular practice aids in the development of muscle mass, endurance, strength, and flexibility: the more muscle mass a person has, the better his or her ability to expend calories at rest. As a result, more weight is lost. However, it is critical that workouts are done on a regular basis and that the person eats a balanced and healthy diet for this to happen.

Calories burned: The number of calories expended during an anaerobic exercise workout depends on several factors, such as the intensity and type of activity performed, as well as the individual characteristics of the person, such as physical condition, weight, physical structure, and genetics.

2. HIIT Training

HIIT training, also known as High-Intensity Interval Training, refers to a series of high-intensity exercises designed to boost metabolism and encourage weight loss. The exercises are performed vigorously in order to boost the heart rate. As a result, this training is better suited to persons who already engage in some form of physical activity. There are, however, HIIT training regimens with simpler activities, which are ideal for beginners.

Calories burned: A high-intensity exercise HIIT training, can help burn around 400 calories per hour. However, to burn all these calories, you should ideally do it under the guidance of a personal trainer or physical education teacher.

3. Crossfit Training

Crossfit training is also highly intense and demands a higher level of cardiorespiratory capacity. The training is done in a high-intensity circuit with limited rest time in between exercises. Weights, jump ropes, rubber bands, and boxes, among other things, are utilized in this style of exercise, which is typically done outside.

Calories burned: Like HIIT, CrossFit workouts are pretty intense and burn about 700 calories per hour during exercise. To increase energy expenditure, weight loss, and muscle mass gain, it is crucial that the practice of CrossFit is guided by a professional, especially if the person is starting in this sport, is sedentary, or has some joint limitation, so it is possible to ensure that the exercises are performed correctly and without risk of injury.

4. Muay Thai

Muay Thai is a demanding and comprehensive physical sport that involves physical preparation and the utilization of various muscle groups. These activities increase cardiorespiratory capacity and physical condition, strength and muscular endurance, as well as self-esteem.

Calories burned: The quantity of calories expended during Muay Thai training varies depending on the intensity of the training and the individual’s physical preparation, reaching up to 1500 kcals when the training is very severe and the individual has exceptional physical preparation. The average caloric expenditure for Muay Thai practitioners, on the other hand, is roughly 700 calories each workout.

5. Spinning

Spinning classes have different intensities and are performed in a room with an exercise bike. In addition to promoting high caloric expenditure and weight loss, these classes also promote muscle strengthening, fat burning in the legs, and improving cardiorespiratory endurance.

Calories burned: To increase the calorie expenditure in spinning sessions, the individual must complete the class as instructed by the instructor. It is feasible to burn 600 to 800 calories each hour in this manner.

6. Swimming

Swimming is a complete exercise because, in addition to promoting physical condition, it can strengthen muscles and promote caloric expenditure. Although the strokes are not very strong to reach the other side of the pool faster, a constant effort is necessary, with few rest periods. When the goal is to lose weight, you should not just get to the other side of the pool. It is necessary to maintain a steady and robust pace, i.e., you can swim across the pool, swimming crawl, and backstroke as a form of “rest.”

Calories burned: As swimming is a complete exercise, the practice of this physical activity can promote caloric expenditure of up to 400 calories as long as the person keeps pace and always remains in motion.

7. Hydro-Gym

Hydrogymnastics is also beneficial for weight loss and boosting cardiorespiratory capacity. Water has a tendency to slow down when it relaxes. However, if you want to lose weight, you should enroll in a class with the same goal, because there are programs for seniors that go at a slower pace, and in these circumstances it is not enough to help you lose weight.

Calories burned: For hydro-gymnastics to encourage the expenditure of as many calories as feasible and weight reduction, the person must always be in motion, enough to be panting. It is possible to burn up to 500 calories each hour this way.

8. Running

Running workouts are excellent for promoting caloric expenditure and fat burning and can be done either on the treadmill or outdoors. However, it is essential that running is always done at the same pace and with moderate or high intensity. It is possible to start running at a slow pace and each week increase the intensity progressively until the desired goal is achieved. Set a routine to start walking and increase the intensity. 

Calories burned: The caloric expenditure of a run can vary between 600 to 700 calories per hour, as long as the person keeps a good pace, does not make many pauses, and makes enough effort, to the point of not being able to talk while jogging.

The Bottom Line

The above given 8 exercises are the best for weight loss. Still, you should perform them under the guidance of a professional to be performed correctly, avoiding injury to muscles and joints.

The ideal is to divide the training time between aerobic and anaerobic exercises, preferably five days a week, to lose weight effectively and continuously. During workouts, it is vital to keep energy and the body hydrated. So, in these cases, it is recommended to make homemade energy drinks.

Muscle-building exercises help to define the body, fighting flaccidity. However, when there is a significant weight loss, it may be necessary to do some sessions of aesthetic physiotherapy or even an abdominal surgery called abdominoplasty, to remove excess skin.