6 Yoga Postures That Help You Lose Weight Fast

6 Yoga Postures That Help You Lose Weight Fast

If you don’t want to spend your life dreaming about losing belly, slimming legs, and burning fat, you should try some infallible yoga postures to lose weight.

This discipline that everyone associates with peace of mind also makes us lose belly, eliminate extra pounds, and reduction measures. It’s all about practicing it correctly and planning a good exercise routine.

Of course, it can also be combined with a balanced diet to make the change faster and healthier. 

The Benefits Of Yoga For Weight Loss

Different positions are adopted when practicing yoga, and became perfect exercises to lose weight. Contrary to what we often do in the gym, jumping, cardio, and effort on the machines or aerobics, yoga suggests doing passive and calm exercises.

For that reason, stress is released, and we reach a state of peace that is much safer for the muscles and joints. Those typical impacts on the knees from lifting too much weight do not occur with this practice.

Reaching that calm state that makes you lose abdominal fat and tone your body also calms your anxiety levels. If there is no anxiety, there is no snacking. No snacking means no extra pounds. See how incredible yoga is?

Top 6 Yoga Poses For Weight Loss

Most of these positions are called “Asanas” and are stretches that stimulate the muscles, circulation, and breathing. Even if you doubt it, more than one of these poses can make you sweat and reduce your abdomen and that little extra weight you carry around, especially if you manage to hold them for at least 15 to 20 seconds, which is recommended. Later you could take them for one minute.

The great advantage is that you can do these postures with or without your class instructor. If you learn them well, you can practice them at home, and they will be equally effective, and it’s free of charge?

If you are a beginner and don’t have an instructor, it’s not a bad idea to opt for some of those videos with yoga routines for weight loss. Many of them also include some Pilates exercises, which can also help you.

But suppose this is unnecessary because you already have some notions of the discipline. In that case, you can guide yourself with a table of exercises that includes the basic positions and follow that routine daily.

So, without further adieu, here are excellent yoga positions to lose weight at home. Try them and then let us know how you did with them, OK?

1. Phalakasana (Also known as Plank)

It is one of the most effective asanas for weight loss. It strengthens the entire torso, as well as the pectoral abdominals and back muscles. However, it is in the stomach that the impact is felt the greatest. You will notice the effect after a few seconds of holding it. There are several varieties of this posture, and the intensity of the workout varies.

To achieve it, you have to stretch your body face down and extend your arms in a perpendicular position with your hands on the floor. The body should then be lifted off the floor with the feet on tiptoe and hold the position as long as possible.

2. Warrior II (Virabhadrasana B)

One of the most beautiful and refreshing yoga positions is the Warrior II or Virabhadrasana II. It helps tone the arms and legs, especially the shoulders, forearms, thighs, and calves.

One knee should be bent as far as possible so that the thigh is nearly parallel to the floor. You should extend the other leg backward. On either side, the arms are extended forward and backward, parallel to the legs. To improve this stance, take long, slow breaths. Remember to alternate your legs and arms. This should be the case for all positions.

3. Warrior III (Virabhadrasana C)

Also known as Virabhadrasana III, it is perfect for slimming and toning various parts of the body. It is ideal if you look for a firm butt, strong legs, strong arms, and back.

Standing on one leg, lift the other leg perpendicularly backward, then stretch the arms forward in line with the head and the raised leg. Again, the longer you hold the position, the better. It is also a good idea to contract the abdomen, legs, and buttocks to increase the effectiveness. There will be more balance this way.

4. The Triangle (Trikonasana)

It’s not tough, and you don’t have to work hard to keep your balance, yet it helps reduce belly fat! Standing with your legs wide apart, touch one of your feet with your hand on the same side, then extend your other hand upwards, tilting your torso and head in the same direction.

This contortion compresses the abdominal muscles, which aids in a variety of ways. First, to tone the abdominal muscles, and then to boost the digestive process.

5. Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

It is a natural stretch. Arms, legs, back, hips, and all body parts are involved and, therefore, can be toned more effectively with this pose. It is achieved by standing with your feet on the floor, both legs apart, and placing both hands on the floor with your head down and hips lifted.

6. Candle Pose (Sarvangasana)

This pose, which is performed by standing on the shoulders, puts the body completely inverted.  In this way, in addition to the exercise it represents for the body, it allows the organs to balance and stimulate themselves.

Sarvangasana increases digestion and improves thyroid gland function. The metabolism and respiratory system are both stimulated. The advantages of this posture include improved sleep and less insomnia. Of course, what concerns us is that it also aids in weight loss.

The Bottom Line

Of course, there are many more yoga postures to lose weight. The ones that we have shown you are the most effective and specific to reduce measurements and burn fat. But you can, if you are a beginner, add more as you progress and vary your exercise plan.

The important thing is always to combine your workout routine with a balanced diet, good sleep, and a stress-free lifestyle. Always try to relax at the end of each day. You will see that calm and peace of mind, coupled with low-impact exercise and healthy meals, will allow you to achieve your goals in a short time.